Learn how document management improves CRM

Extract maximum value from your document management assets. Centralise data for Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Are you using your digital document management system to improve customer relationship management (CRM)?

How quickly, widely and accurately information is accessible throughout a business are important for success. Slow responses and inaccurate answers can be disastrous and lead to poor decision making, purchase abandonment and customer defection.

The history of document management (DM) is fascinating. Putting cave paintings aside as a data store, the most significant game-changer was the invention of the filing cabinet. Edwin Siebels innovation in the 1880s solved problems in a world facing document management chaos. Throughout the following century, people at least knew where to look for documents!

DM subsequently evolved through servers, the PC, search, scanning, the Cloud and smart devices. Today, the goal in DM is to find information according to ‘what a thing is’, and not to be limited to ‘where it is located or stored’.

Centralised data benefits everyone
A key objective today should be the centralisation of documents. While DM was first installed in back-office environments such as Accounts, today’s aim is to integrate systems so that DM works for all departments to benefit the whole business, including customer-facing staff.

When ‘a single version of the truth’ is available instantly to knowledge workers  - across invoices, contracts, approvals, payments, complaints, comments and email correspondence - it provides a reliable foundation for excellent customer care.

Proliferation of admin systems is counter-productive

The Covid pandemic accelerated digital transformation, for many reasons, from the need to accommodate remote workers, to the need to find cost efficiencies when normal business was heavily disrupted.

One particular strand of response led to the number of administrative systems deployed in a business rising to as many as 10 – which creates problems of its own. The proliferation of apps and systems means information becomes siloed and disconnected as much as when documents were kept in filing cabinets, which hampers knowledge workers and customer service teams.

An effective CRM solution must involve business systems integration and data centralisation.

Document management essential to CRM

Immediate response is expected in business
We live in a world in which immediacy is a basic expectation. In bricks and mortar environments, the average time that shoppers are prepared to queue is only six minutes before they abandon their attempt to purchase (Source: IT News Online). People shopping or complaining online become similarly irritated and discontent, and inefficient call centres stimulate many social media rants.

Tolerance management is an important consideration in customer satisfaction strategy and a key aspect in generating customer loyalty. Organisations looking to gain an advantage over their competitors know that providing excellent customer service is a defining factor.

Create active rather than passive waiting experiences
People are least tolerant when their waiting experience is a passive one, such as when standing in a queue. DM as a relationship management tool enables users to access a customer’s - or an employee’s or supplier’s - entire history to deal quickly with issues and answer questions.

With the benefit of instant text and document search functions, knowledge workers can engage actively and positively with staff, customers and suppliers. There is no danger of not being able to find information or any risk of duplicate information that could confuse or worsen the situation.

A centralised DM system provides a time-stamped audit trail of activity, together with annotations, which empowers system users, and also makes compliance audits simple to fulfil.

Centralised data is crucial to CRM

When looking for ways to provide better customer service, businesses typically consider staff training. While training can help achieve business goals, one system often overlooked is effective document management.

Document management strategy is not just about improving organisational workflows; it is about boosting the performance of every business process. There are multiple ways in which DM increases customer satisfaction.

Faster response times with centralised DM
Engage actively with staff and customers using accurate information.

Greater cost efficiency
Efficient business processes improve productivity in every department.

Maximise current DM assets
DM bridges multiple standalone systems and generates ROI on previous implementations.

Fewer errors
Centralisation removes inconsistencies associated with multiple systems. Workflow automation reduces the risk of human error and oversights.

Easier collaboration
Everyone has access to the same files, from any location.

Your organisation has the power to turn its staff and customers into its greatest advocates or into its harshest critics. It all starts with how your engagement methods help to meet their needs


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